A Boob Job or Breast Augmentation as it is medically known is one of the most popular plastic surgery procedures. The procedure is rather significant and there are many options such as implant types, placement and incisions, which can mean that the recovery period differs.
In general, all patients will need around two days of rest following the procedure while there should be several days of reduced activity. However, what should you expect immediately after a boob job?
What to Expect
First of all, it is important that patients take care of themselves as the body will need time to heal, so what can you expect during the first few days?
The surgery can take its toll on the body and that can leave patients feeling tired and sort which will mean that they will require lots of rest. After 24 hours, it should be possible to remove the dressings although the skin tapes or steri-strips that cover the incisions should remain in place. These can be washed over and blotted dry with a clean towel.
Eventually, the steri-strips will fall off and the incisions can then be covered using gauze dressings which will be required for up to a week after.
While every patient is different, it is common for the chest area to feel tight as the skin needs to adjust to the implants but it is worth noting that this sensation is normal. It is also common to have reduced sensations in the breasts and nipples in the few days after surgery. Naturally, the area will show signs of swelling and bruising which again is completely normal but this will disappear over the course of a few weeks.
Your specialist might also begin with breast massage techniques as this can help to prevent capsular contracture while also helping to speed up recovery and ease any discomfort. Along with this, you might be told to wear a supportive post-surgical bra or a sports bra to help with support and positioning. However, it is vital that you do not wear an underwire bra as that can alter the position of the breast implant.
After surgery, patients can usually shower around 24-hours later although they should avoid still water for around two weeks which means avoiding baths, swimming pools and hot tubs. Within days of receiving surgery, it is common for patients to return to work and a daily routine.
The Weeks Following Surgery
The recovery process for each person will differ but in most cases, patients are back to normal around seven days after surgery, however, the recovery process still continues.
As a result, patients will still experience swollen and sensitive breasts for a month or more in some cases while any strenuous exercises that can increase the pulse and blood pressure should be avoided, especially those activities where the arms and chest are required.
As mentioned, everyone is different which means that your surgeon will provide you with a detailed recovery plan to ensure you recover correctly and avoid any problems or complications.
For more information about undergoing a boob job, or to arrange a no obligation consultation, contact us today.